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Ask the Universe?

There is a power inside you that is beyond anything that you can imagined. You have the ability to actualize anything that you want with pure effortless ease. There are no real limits on what you can create into your life. You are unlimited, unbounded, pure energy in motion. You have the capacity to attract any experience you want into your life. When you are specific about what you want, and ask from a place that is free from lack, you are one step closer to actualizing your hearts desires. The potency behind making requests begins with knowing who you are and what you honestly want in your life. Exploring this deeper honesty allows the Universal intelligence that surrounds and penetrates you to truly hear your request and thus assist you in actualizing it!

One of the main ingredients in consciously actualizing your dreams and desires is knowing how to ask for what you want. When you ask in a firm clear receptive way, you are emitting the frequency of what you desire out into the universe, and like a magnet are attracting the desired outcome.

First in meditation get set into your desired frequency of what you would like your life to look, feel, smell, taste like. then send this desired frequency out into the universe, like a magnet this frequency will match what it is you desire and then match the results like attracting magnets

and by releasing any attachment to what shows up, the universe is in action actualizing for you.

Don't like what's showing up in your life? change the frequency of your desires and the universe will deliver. (Learn More)

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